在材质方面,Pixel 9a 的背盖采用了塑料材质,以降低成本。IT之家援引博文介绍,这款手机的塑料质感类似于诺基亚 Lumia 系列,拥有坚固的手感,中框则似乎采用了铝合金材质,并带有天线线,增强了手机的耐用性。
谷歌Pixel系列以其独特的软件优化和创新摄像技术而闻名。Pixel 9a作为该系列的新成员,在定位上旨在为中高端市场提供性价比较高的选择。根据市场调研公司IDC的数据,2022年全球智能手机出货量已经达到14.3亿部,而中高端手机市场的增长势头明显,是品牌布局的关键目标。谷歌在此背景下加大了对Pixel系列的研发投入,以提升用户对Google生态系统的黏性。Pixel ...
在分享上手视频展示了据称是三星 Galaxy S25 Edge 的设计之后、 墨西哥 YouTuber Alexis Garza 在一段现已删除的 YouTube 短视频中曝光了据称是Google Pixel 9a ...
2月25日的消息显示,消息人士ShaneCraig在2月24日发布了一段关于谷歌新款Pixel9a手机的上手视频。视频中首次展示了该机型曜石黑配色的真实外观,其设计风格相比以往有较大突破。在材质选择上,Pixel9a的后盖采用了塑 ...
The Google Pixel 9a can be seen on a desk, suggesting its launch isn't that far away. The Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge leak that ...
Although it's not a good-looking device, it exceeded my expectations based on what I had thought of it earlier.
What can consumers expect as Google prepares to launch the Pixel 9a, and which features are going to help sell the latest ...
The Pixel 9a is expected to come in four color options: Porcelain, Obsidian, Peony, and Iris. Peony will likely be similar to ...
A hands-on video has appeared on Threads that shows off what appears to be the upcoming Google Pixel 9a, including the redesigned chassis and camera block.
近日,有外媒爆料了谷歌Pixel 9a传闻信息。谷歌Pixel 9a预计将于三月中旬正式发售,起售价为499美元(约合人民币3623元)。这一价格与去年Pixel 8a的起售价持平… ...
The latest leak about the Google Pixel 9a includes a hands-on video showing what it will look like in the real world.
The Pixel 9a is reportedly moving away from the camera visor design seen on recent Google Pixel smartphones. The rear camera module is expected to sit nearly flush with the matte-finished back panel, ...