Since 2002, governments around the world have spent billions of dollars stockpiling neuraminidase inhibitors (NIs) such as Tamiflu® (oseltamivir) and Relenza® (zanamivir) in anticipation of an influen ...
维多利亚州州长杰辛塔·艾伦宣布了州政府下一阶段的项目计划,即建设更多活动中心(activity centres)。 Source: AAP / JOEL CARRETT/AAPIMAGE ...
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine desire a lasting peace in Ukraine and a durable partnership between their two peoples and governments; 鉴于美利坚合众国和乌克兰希望乌克兰实现持久和平,并希望两国人民和政府之间建立持久的伙伴关系; W ...
oversee [ˌəʊvə (r)ˈsiː] v. 监管,监察,监督 例句 “Today the last search vessel has left the underwater search area,”the governments of ...