为探究 NPCs 在胎儿脑积水模型中的变化及最佳干预时间,西班牙和美国研究人员开展相关研究。结果发现脑积水影响神经和胶质细胞发育,E105-E125 或为干预 “窗口期”。该研究为产前治疗提供依据,值得科研读者一读。
为解决先天性脑积水(HCP)治疗难题,西班牙耶稣乌松微创外科中心及美国辛辛那提儿童医院医疗中心的研究人员,开展胎儿羊梗阻性 HCP 模型研究,明确其对神经发育影响并找到潜在干预时间窗,为产前治疗提供重要依据,值得一读。
Human missense variants in TUBB3 and KIF21A cause errors in neuronal development The approved and preferred KIF21A HGNC identifiers are NCBI Gene ID 55605; HGNC 19349; MANE Select: NM_001173464.2 ...
Through these visual and spatial interventions, Minoliti envisions a non-human heterotopia—an alternative universe where the constructs of gender, education, disability, architecture and design ...
Platelets are anucleate cells that are essential for hemostasis and wound healing. Upon activation of the cell surface receptors by their corresponding extracellular ligands, platelets undergo rapid ...
Dr G G Forstner, Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X8, Canada email:gforst{at}sickkids.on.ca BACKGROUND AND AIMS ...