然而在目前复杂多变的国际大环境下,中国高速发展的OLED产业也可能成为被制裁的目标,如何降低整体风险是摆在台面上的紧迫需求。萨普作为一家拥有悠久历史传承的德国工业典范,在日系箔材对日厂独供、对外禁售的情况下,是目前全球唯一一家能够大规模稳定量产FMM ...
不过,OLED行业对FMM所使用的的Invar合金有着更高的要求。 早在2015年,萨普就开始接触来自显示行业针对FMM用Invar 36合金的需求,随后便开启了针对这 ...
One group of alloys is that contained in the invar range, namely, 30–45 atom per cent nickel, and is characterized by unusual thermal expansion, magnetic and other physical properties.
Description: Application: The excellent mechanical and corrosion resistance properties and cost-effectiveness of stainless steel have led to a wide range of successful applications in surgical tools, ...