Ukraine's defence forces are facing heavy attacks and a significant advantage in manpower and artillery by Russian forces.
Analysts from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) have pointed to increasing cooperation between Russia and North Korea, ...
Analysts with the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) think tank foresee that the growing economic pressure on Russia due to ...
Russia may fire a second medium-range ballistic missile at Ukraine. In this way, the Kremlin is trying to dissuade the West ...
Russian troops gain tactical advantages south of Pokrovsk. However, the enemy is suffering very heavy losses, which ...
Earlier, it was reported that Russian forces targeted Ukrainian fortifications west of Vidrodzhennia and south of ...
据RBC-Ukraine媒体参考美国战争研究所(ISW)的一份报告称,俄罗斯正在失去在保持经济稳定的同时有效支持国防部门的能力。这是战争成本上升、腐败、劳动力短缺等因素造成的。 在得出结论之前,分析人员引用了最近有关俄罗斯财政状况的信息,以求理解。
11月初,特朗普不仅成功拿下美国总统宝座,还帮助共和党在参众两院夺取了大量席位,实现了所谓的“三权合一”。 这意味着他的政治能量将极大膨胀,对世界的影响力也更加宽泛。 他在胜选前曾言“24小时结束俄乌战争”,这被人们视为俄乌冲突之转机。
与此同时,和谈话题近期被各方愈发频繁提及。在日本共同社2日公布的独家采访中,乌总统泽连斯基提到,乌军缺乏夺回包括克里米亚在内的所有俄控领土的力量,同时强调乌一旦获得北约成员国资格,就将通过外交手段收回被占领土。共同社称,泽连斯基的讲话预示着其战略的潜 ...
The Ukrainian defense forces are facing intensive attacks by russian troops, who have a significant advantage in both the number of personnel and artillery ...
Tehran has been accused of violating weapons of mass destruction ban by researching drones that could deliver pharmaceutical ...
During his address, the Russian president boasted of an unemployment rate of 2.3 percent although the ISW said the Russian ...