This is nothing new in the world of video games, but as development times increase and budgets balloon, it's worth keeping in ...
华纳旗下的《神奇女侠》游戏,其发布日期似乎仍处于不确定状态。据业内知名爆料者Jason Schreier的最新消息,这款游戏原计划在2026年与玩家见面,但这一时间表目前看来并不乐观。
Grand Theft Auto 6 fans are annoyed that Rockstar Games didn’t even troll them after winning an award at The Game Awards, ...
据知名记者JasonSchreier透露,华纳的《神奇女侠》游戏可能会在2026年推出。他指出,最近与参与该游戏开发的人交流过,了解到目前的时间设定是2026年,但目前来看实现这一目标似乎不太可能。他还确认,在本届TGA上玩 ...
We've known for a while now that CD Projekt Red is in full production of The Witcher 4, but the game is still a very long ...
LEGO Fortnite Brick Life's game design is a mix between Grand Theft Auto and The Sims, which could make kids want to play GTA ...
12 月 12 日消息,游戏界对《侠盗猎车手 6》(GTA 6)的期待值一直居高不下,但有观点认为,Rockstar 可能无法如期在 2025 年推出这款游戏。 知名游戏记者 Jason Schreier 在本周二的 Kinda Funny ...
据外媒消息,根据知名记者Jason Schreier消息,华纳的《神奇女侠》游戏可能将在2026年才会和大家见面。 在博客节目中,Jason表示: “不久前我和一名参与《神奇女侠》游戏开发的人聊过,他说目前的时间设定在2026年,但(以现在情况看)似乎不太现实。” 此外,他也确认玩家们不会在本届TGA上看到这部作品(现在来看确实如此)。 《神奇女侠》是华纳在2021年年底公开的全新游戏作品,但此后 ...
One of the games that was speculated beforehand that we would see at The Game Awards during the night was Wonder Woman, which was actually announced at The Game Awards four years ago. But... that didn ...
The Game Awards drew to an end with a reveal for an Okami sequel, which is directed by Hideki Kamiya.Kamiya directed the ...
R星官网宣布,其计划于2025年秋季在PS5和Xbox Series X/S平台上发布《GTA6》游戏。然而,业内专家根据游戏开发的复杂性,对《GTA6》是否能按期发布表示怀疑,并预测该游戏可能会再次推迟发布。知名行业记者Jason ...