In the interview with SFC, Stefanie Holtze-Jen, Chief Investment Officer for Asia Pacific Private Bank at Deutsche Bank AG, ...
(原标题:Executive Vice Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University: China makes new energy's forward-looking plans) ...
最近,一条“导师辞职去南极给企鹅织毛衣”的内容在小红书上爆火。内容的发布者是小红书上一位英国留学生。不久前,她给自己的导师发了封邮件,结果得到了对方出人意料的答复: "Thank you for your email. I have left to pursue my dream of crocheting sweaters for penguins in Antarctica and no lo ...
Specifically, Xiaomi EV's electric drive system, particularly its E-motor technology, is one of its core advantages.
(原标题:From Sci-Fi to Reality,The Company Making Your Billion-Dollar Dream Take Flight) ...
美银证券发表研究报告指,将领展(00823.HK)的评级从「中性」上调至「买入」,是因为认为公司估值已经充分反映了高息仍会维持一段时间(higher for ...