To treat dandruff, you need to target an overgrowth of yeast and any accompanying inflammation. We talked to a dermatologist to figure out how to do this.
Understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and exploring effective treatment for your dog's allergies ensures your they ...
Genomic sequencing has revealed that individual strains of life-threatening, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and Candida auris ...
Researchers found that daycares have a higher abundance of yeasts, while private houses contain more spore-producing molds, ...
Dispelling common hair health myths, the article emphasizes evidence-based realities. It highlights that hair oils don’t cure ...
Intense exercise can put your hair through the wringer, experts share how to care for your hair during and after a workout ...
Hydrating your scalp doesn't require buying expensive hair products. Sometimes, simply adjusting your hair-washing routine ...
While washing your hair is something that you don't think too much about, leading haircare expert Anabel Kingsley has issued some advice on how to do it properly - and warns to never skip hair wash da ...
总起头皮屑用什么洗发水在干燥的冬季,头皮屑像雪花一样落在肩膀上,给人带来了无尽的烦恼。穿黑色衣服时,头皮屑会无声地掉落下来,让人不敢抬头。在聚会上,头皮屑总是不请自来,让人感到尴尬。出门前不得不花费额外时间清理头皮屑,影响了生活的节奏。幸好,可以尝试 ...
The NFL player and Super Bowl Champion Odell Beckham Jr. discusses his diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis, or seb derm, with his personal dermatologist, as OBJ partners with Arcutis. ByJessica ...
Wet dandruff—or dandruff associated with an oily scalp—happens when extra sebum (oil) production on the scalp combines with an overgrowth of Malassezia, a yeast naturally found on the scalp.
Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD Dandruff is a common skin condition that causes the skin on the scalp to flake off. Possible signs of dandruff include white or yellow flakes (dead skin ...