Alyse Robayo has never met Emine Emanet, but on Sunday afternoon, she sat at a folding table in a Haddon Township storefront ...
One Tennessee lawmaker would like to add a new kind of marriage to the books through a bill filed in the General Assembly.
WTOL 11 also learned Dee Warner's stepson, Jaron Warner, is lodged in the Lenawee County jail, awaiting an arraignment Monday ...
To protect homeowners and deed holders from potential fraud, Georgia lawmakers want to require that a deed holder be notified ...
LA PAZ -- Bolivia's ex-president Evo Morales on Thursday resigned from the ruling Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), a party he ...
Georgia lawmakers have introduced a new bill requiring homeowners to be notified of fraud or if someone files a deed for ...
A recent decision by the Court of Appeals of Texas, First District in Harris County has upheld an aircraft lien asserted by ...
A Wichita Republican strategist credits mail voting for the defeat of a $450 million school bond issue. But a bill advancing ...
Parents who want to enroll their children in Pennridge School District must show records that undocumented immigrants ...
Kerr County commissioners on Monday appointed a citizen representative to the new Hill Country Energy Sub-Regional Planning ...