Australian scientists have developed a new AI tool to help identify skulls from crime scenes and mass casualty events.
CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, has developed an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool for assisting in the ...
Male angelfish have an almost circular body that is interrupted by a nuchal hump on their head when they’re mature, possess forked ventral fins, and have a pointed, thin breeding tube. Female ...
NT检查非常重要!它是孕期的第一个筛查项目。及时的NT检查可以查出多种胎儿结构畸形问题,如无脑儿、腹壁缺损、肢体缺损和连体双胎等;还可筛查部分染色体异常(如21—三体、18—三体、13—三体等);对于月经不规则孕妇,可通过测量头臀长,提供较准确孕周, ...
Blood tests are a routine part of your prenatal care. Here's everything you need to know about what you can expect.
They may be isolated or occur in association with other structural anomalies and in some cases are presenting with an increased nuchal translucency or cystic hygroma. Their significance and the ...
Also, we recommend that clinicians not cut a nuchal cord before delivery of the shoulders, but instead, use the somersault maneuver to deliver the child and resuscitate at the perineum as necessary.
[2] Hutchinson D A, Savitzky A H, Mori A, et al. Maternal provisioning of sequestered defensive steroids by the Asian snake Rhabdophis tigrinus[J]. Chemoecology, 2008, 18: 181-190. [3] Hutchinson D A, ...
相信不少孕妈在怀孕之前,基本没怎么跑过医院。一开始孕检,难免手忙脚乱。 再加上医生反复强调的一些很重要、听起来却又云里雾里的检查,就更容易让人惴惴不安了。 以孕早期的NT检查为代表,很多孕妈根本不知道这项检查是怎么回事,这是一项关系到胎儿是否存在畸形风险的重要检查!今天我们就来好好讲讲NT检查是怎么回事,为什么不仅要做,还一定要选择合适的时机做!
including nuchal translucency of 2.5–3.0 mm; 5) positive family history, such as any affected offspring with Down syndrome; and 6) pregnant women who prefer NIPT to maternal serum screening without ...