距离中学文凭试 (DSE)开考日期又近了,想在DSE英文科稳取Level 3,甚至考获更高等级,考生要计划一下未来数月要如何温习和操卷,思源教育英文补习名师Spencer Lam就分享了DSE英文科各分卷的题型及操卷攻略,希望助考生在短时间内提升水平,轻松取得大学入场卷。今次会先讲Paper 1攻略,分享5个常见题型的答题技巧。
The ethnic Yi people in Yongren County in China's Yunnan celebrated the 1,300-year-old "Saizhuang Jie" on Feb. 12. This vibrant folk event, known as the ancient "village fashion show," saw locals of ...
In Tintagel in Cornwall, said to house remains of King Arthur's Camelot, Rick has his attention fixed on the local potatoes, which are grown the old-fashioned way and are full of flavour and pollution ...