The fan-shaped leaves of the ginkgo tree stay firmly attached, waiting for the right moment to decide to fall. The ...
As someone just recently reminded me, there are only three-and-a-half weeks until Christmas! With decorating, shopping, ...
From Christmas roses (hellebores) to pansies, here are the ways banana peels can help your outdoor plants thrive in winter.
With the soil still warm and frost yet to fully set in across the UK, now is the time to plant winter blooms that will ensure ...
A good candidate for color in winter is the humble pansy/viola. A plethora of cultivars exist these days, allowing you to ...
Cool-season hanging baskets are one of my favorite ways to bring vibrant color and texture to my outdoor space when ...
If you’re not ready to let go of gardening during the colder months, you’re in luck! Here are ten resilient flowers that ...
In our Louisiana landscapes, November marks the beginning of another season of rejuvenation. Because we typically have mild ...
Cool-season hanging baskets are a great way to keep gardens alive with color well into winter and early spring. This basket has Candy Showers snapdragons with Cool Wave Golden Yellow pansies. (Photo ...
“Passalong plants” — a term with its own roots in many an old family garden.
Winter is the ideal time to get stuck into some gardening, and you can start growing these plants now to add some colour to ...