The Phoenix Cluster's central galaxy is about 5.8 billion light-years away and should be mostly done with star formation.
How do you cool down a phoenix? I don't mean the mythological birds of flame and rebirth, but rather a cosmic namesake with a ...
JWST’s observations confirm missing cooling gas in the Phoenix Cluster, explaining its rapid star formation rate.
A galaxy cluster once thought to be “dead” is unexpectedly forming stars at an astonishing rate, challenging established ...
This breakthrough builds on more than a decade of research using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, along with several powerful ground-based observatories.
Researchers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have finally solved the mystery of how a massive galaxy cluster is ...
近日,天文学界迎来重大发现:原本被认为接近"死亡"的凤凰星系团(Phoenix ...
A team of international astronomers has discovered something that could reshape our understanding of outer space.