For the first time, researchers have used high-speed laser writing to create lines spaced just 100 nm apart on a glass ...
For the first time, researchers have used high-speed laser writing to create lines spaced just 100 nm apart on a glass substrate. The ...
Researchers developed a new optimized printing approach that could enable super-resolution 3D direct laser writing (DLW) of ...
The PGR5/PGRL1-dependent CET around PSI plays an important homeostatic role in electron transfers and thereby alleviating photoinhibition. With the recent advent of molecular techniques and sensitive ...
Figure 1. Overall overview of stress mechanism based on light intensity and Fe. In plant management, the condition of plants is investigated mainly by the long-term casual observation and monitoring ...
Parabrachial CGRP neurons receive diverse threat-related signals and contribute to multiple phases of adaptive threat responses in mice, with their inactivation attenuating both unconditioned ...
Animals seek out relevant information by moving through a dynamic world, but sensory systems are usually studied under highly constrained and passive conditions that may not probe important dimensions ...