She and her two daughters volunteer at a rescue shelter and she advocates for dog adoption. Read more at
We look forward to justice being served.” The Georgia Department of Agriculture has now seized 136 neglected canines from a ...
A golden retriever pup named Freddy is back home with his family in Pennsylvania after a frigid weeklong search that ended with his rescue from an abandoned coal pit.
A little dog has spent a decade in kennels and is still looking for his forever home, earning him the sad nickname of the 'UK ...
One of a Kind Pets, an animal rescue in Akron, took 12 of the poodle mix dogs, which were found emaciated and are suffering from health issues.
When a test determined that Walter had hemophilia, his Omaha owner joined a group seeking to raise $50,000 for a clinical ...
Scrappy is a 6 month old miniature poodle puppy that was recently released to the rescue from a commercial breeding... View ...
Woody - a Shih Tzu cross Poodle - has just celebrated his 11th birthday with carers at a Dogs Trust's rehoming centre. He is ...
HERE is a selection of dogs from Many Tears Animal Rescue which are looking for their forever homes. If you think you would be able to rehome one of them go to for full ...
HERE is a selection of dogs from Many Tears Animal Rescue which are looking for their forever homes. If you think you would ...
Wolfie, a 2- to 3-year-old mix of Standard Poodle and Labrador, is looking for a new home after spending over a month living ...
People looking at It Takes A Village Animal Rescue for a best friend will find that search easier for a while.