Populus Financial Group, Inc. (Populus), through its ACE Community Fund, donated 900 new books to the students at Davis ...
Arkansas has an impressive collection of official symbols. A tree and a flower, an insect and a bird. We have an official fruit and vegetable. (One and the same, and close to my heart: the South ...
DALLAS, Feb. 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Populus Financial Group, Inc. (Populus), through its ACE Community Fund, donated 900 new books to the students at Davis Elementary School as part of their ...
Regnat populus. It's Latin for "the people rule." What does it mean? If you follow Arkansas politics, you know that our motto is invoked frequently. I've even seen it on bumper stickers around town.
这株巨树的树干非常粗壮,老枝擎天,树冠阔达几十米,无任何枯枝。它静静地矗立在河谷中央的两河交汇处,粗大的树根深深地、有力地抓住鹅卵石下方的泥土,呈淡淡杏黄色的小叶在树冠上密密匝匝,其顽强的生命力令人惊叹不已。它从一株小树起,或聪明或侥幸地生长在这片河 ...
In this study, we coupled high-throughput ionome characterization of leaf tissues with high-resolution genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to uncover genetic loci that modulate ionomic composition ...
Attorney General Tim Griffin graced the opinion section of this newspaper with a guest tutorial on Sunday. He wrote an essay explaining that "regnat populus," the official state motto meaning "the ...
The demands of parcels coming and going, and other stressors at the curb, are prompting cities to design new approaches to managing these spaces. Often, they are turning to data and technology for ...