The method of retooling for coproduction emerged through my PhD studies as my way of engaging sustainability through hands-on making, which I present as a possible “design orientation” for other ...
The student will write a report on their findings and present and discuss their findings in an oral examination. The project may include some programming. The dissertation topic will normally be ...
This web page describes the required submission process for your thesis or dissertation. Every term has firm deadlines related to each part of the thesis and dissertation submission process. The ...
Anne Converse Willkomm, Associate Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies (left) presenting an Outstanding Dissertation Award to Erin O'Brien, a PhD student in biomedical engineering (right), the ...
The subject of the dissertation should relate broadly to one of the economic history courses that have been chosen. This course consists of two lectures, the first in week 2 of AT and the second in ...
It's writing the album and defending the dissertation in 2017," Carson said ... We're also talking about the past and the present and how they are bearing on us right now." At a time when leaders can ...
According to his family, he was just weeks away from presenting his dissertation to become a doctor. PREVIOUS: 2 dead, more than 50 people involved in school bus rollover crash, officials say ...