It's the holidays, and you're ready to indulge in a few (or tons) of cordial cherries. But do they have alcohol in them, as ...
Andy Serkis' performance as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings films is of the greatest meetings of actor and character in ...
Billy Joel got some love from the crowd following a brief onstage stumble at a recent concert. The music icon, 75, was ...
The song was written by Walker with Jaren Boyer, Matt Gorman and John Stephens.
Shrek 5' can't lampoon Disney the way the first film did and internet memes might spell doom for the franchise.
Cows can kill ya! Retired Ph.D. wildlife authority, Dr. Jerry Cooke, sent me an Internet Report on the World’s Deadliest ...
Like most days worth writing about, Wednesday started at the dentist. The appointment had slipped my mind before the 14 text ...
Cows can kill you. Retired Ph.D. wildlife authority, Dr. Jerry Cooke, sent me an internet report on the world’s deadliest ...