柏林影展于北京时间明日凌晨闭幕,今日(23日)举行颁奖礼,最高荣誉金熊奖由挪威导演Dag Johan Haugerud执导的《Dreams (Sex Love)》获得,这是导演Dag Johan Haugerud的三部曲电影中的最终作。
Takes a look at phone sex, the wild fantasy land of the '80s and '90s, where people wouldn't know who was on the other line, how much it would cost, or when the government might shut it all down.
直播吧2月13日讯 镜报报道,英超俱乐部可能在周四投票通过新的财务规则,此前英国职业足球运动员协会PFA威胁称,如果他们这样做,将采取法律行动。20支英超球队将于周四在伦敦市中心举行会议,讨论并可能投票决定一个新财务规则,以取代现有的盈利能力和可持续性规则(PSR)。
A wave of British sex comedies in the 1970s, with their blend of X-rated content and slapstick humour, transform the nation's cinema and the audience's attitude to sex forever.