13 марта 2025 года, в городе Ростов-на-Дону, компания «Связь и Радионавигация» проведет уже шестую по счету конференцию!
The CPT-165 Magnetic Compass is a high-quality and reliable navigation device that belongs to a variety of liquid magnetic compasses. The compass is developed on the basis of a Class A magnetic ...
The DS-90R log is a modern device designed to measure and monitor the speed of a vessel relative to water or the seabed. This instrument is based on the principles of the Doppler effect and rotating ...
The optical direction finder PGK-2 is designed for direction finding of coastal objects, celestial bodies and determination of heading angles along the azimuth circle of the repeater.
The digital repeater is used as a repeater of information about the course of the vessel. Additionally, the repeater has a linear indicator of the direction and speed of the vessel's turn. The display ...
Antenna SEAS 6000 accepts digital / analog TV-AM-FM signals around the world. The device maintains automatic ALC level control on 3 bands. In order to avoid interference during operation, the antenna ...
Все морские и речные суда должны соответствовать требованиям Глобальной морской системы предупреждения о бедствии и безопасности (ГМССБ). Для этого на них должно быть установлено ...
The K-Series TVRO antennas equipped with the state of the art KNS 3 Axis servo stabilization system and the built-in GPS, the S-Series outperforms all other TVRO systems in the market today. Larger S ...
Terminal VSAT KU-band KNS Z15 MK4 with an antenna diameter of 150 cm for broadband satellite communications on sea and river vessels. The entire design of the Z Mk4 antenna system has been updated, ...
ПВ-радиоустановка с органами управления, обеспечивающими подготовку и подачу оповещения при бедствии в режиме ЦИВ и радиотелефонии, а также связь при бедствии и для обеспечения ...
The publication contains in Russian and English the text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended by the 1988 Protocol thereto, and includes all amendments ...
MAF1611B - rugged and compact magnetron operating at frequencies of 9380 - 9440MGts with a peak power output of 4 kW, is safe to handle and use. Any overshooting of the anode current is not acceptable ...