There is no need to do any special preparation for this test. However, if you are on oxygen therapy, oxygen values must be constant for 20 minutes before the test. If you are taking medication to make ...
I remember how hard it was to keep cars, or any other outdoor metal object, clean and looking good when I lived in the steel town of Weirton, West Virginia. That ongoing struggle reminds me of my ...
COPD is among the leading causes of death in industrialized countries, and new pharmacological treatments are being developed to help patients with this disease. But a spectrum of non-pharmacological ...
The digital Healthy at Home intervention appeared to improve quality of life for patients and decreased COPD-related distress ...
While chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is commonly associated with symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, many of us also experience chronic pain. I was interested ...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) makes it hard to breathe, and many of us with the disease know that breathing exercises can help. Still, a study published in October in Chronic ...
Many of us with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience chronic fatigue, but I still wondered why I’d been sleeping more than usual lately. As usual, I did some research and am letting ...
Caroline Gainer is from West Virginia, the state with the highest rate of COPD in the United States. She was diagnosed with moderate-to-severe COPD in 2013 after a pneumothorax (lung collapse). After ...