Docteure en histoire moderne à Sorbonne Université, Anna Forestier est spécialiste de l’histoire de l’empire colonial français, de l’histoire des Caraïbes et des milices. Associée au Centre Roland Mou ...
À propos de : Marie Houllemare, Justices d'empire. La répression dans les colonies françaises au XVIIIe siècle, Puf ...
Hayek always presented his reconstruction of liberalism as a utopia, based on the idea of a spontaneous, self-regulating social order, against the chimera of social justice. La fin de l’utopie ...
What constitutes a ghetto ? Zeyad Masroor Khan offers an intimate portrayal of life in a marginalized neighbourhood shaped by ...
Léo Pellerin is a geographer affiliated to EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and to the Centre of Indian and South Asian Studies, Paris ( CEIAS - CNRS ). His research focuses on the ...