Most people are irritated by the buzzing of a fly's wings. But biologist Michael Dickinson views the sound with a deep sense of wonder.
Joshua Foer is a science writer who 'accidentally' won the U.S. Memory Championship.
耶鲁大学西班牙与比较文学斯特林教授,耶鲁大学博士。研究领域包括拉美文学,殖民时期西班牙语美国文学,和比较文学。 出生于南非,18岁时移民美国。他集工程师,企业家和慈善家各种身份于一身,并且是贝宝,空间探索技术公司以及特斯拉汽车三家公司 ...
The author of 'Eat, Pray, Love,' Elizabeth Gilbert has thought long and hard about some large topics. Her latest fascination: genius, and how we ruin it.
Since 2003, her work has concentrated on the fragile environment of the polar regions. Her current project concerns the beauty of natural environments in Siberia.
英国20世纪70年代初出现的以广播、电视 、函授与暑期学校相结合的成人高等教育机构。
As the CEO and co-founder of new online dictionary Wordnik, Erin McKean is reshaping not just dictionaries, but how we interact with language itself.