Background Bedside rounds (BR) have been proposed as an ideal method to promote patient-centred hospital care, but there is substantial variation in their implementation and effects. Our objectives ...
Comparing safety, performance and user perceptions of a patient-specific indication-based prescribing tool with current practice: a mixed methods randomised user testing study ...
Background There is growing international interest in involving patients in interventions to promote and support them in securing their own safety. This paper reports a systematic review of ...
Background Respiratory rate (RR) is an independent predictor of adverse outcomes and an integral component of many risk prediction scores for hospitalised adults. Yet, it is unclear if RR is recorded ...
The investigation of incidents and accidents, together with subsequent reflection and action, is an essential component of safety management in every safety-critical industry, including healthcare. A ...
Background Countries with resource-poor health systems have struggled to improve access to and the quality of caesarean section (C-section; CS) for women seeking care in public health facilities.
The clinical microsystem puts medical error and harm reduction into the broader context of safety and quality of care by providing a framework to assess and evaluate ...
Objective To understand how lean thinking has been put into practice in healthcare and how it has worked. Design A realist literature review. Data sources The authors systematically searched for ...
Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Correspondence to: Associate Professor P J Pronovost Department of Anaesthesiology and ...
Patients, clinicians and managers all want to be reassured that their healthcare organisation is safe. But there is no consensus about what we mean when we ask whether a healthcare organisation is ...
The concept of knowledge co-production is used in health services research to describe partnerships (which can involve researchers, practitioners, managers, commissioners or service users) with the ...
Background Despite focused initiatives to reduce device-associated infection among hospitalised patients, the practices US hospitals are currently using are unknown. We thus used a national survey to ...