Many of those giant disruptive flag pole signs have disappeared around here and it's looking more respectable instead of like some discount car lot city. Also serves as ...
It's time for Jeff Van Drew to represent his constituents and not a wannbe dictator named Donald Trump. Show some backbone instead of being silent and blaming ev ...
Erma - Slashing health care for 9/11 first responders! Truly a president who cares about his own citizens. Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising.
What gives Trump and RFK the right to tell professionals whether antidepressants are good for teenagers and younger. They know nothing about this like going to a quack do ...
Elon and DOGE had Trump fire inspector generals that were investigating Tesla, SpaceEx, etc. The Inspector General (IG) is an independent investigative official ...
Such a lost sick society when murderers have a social media following. Glad Mom and Dad are gone. Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me freedom and common sense.
The Cape May "rant" on the holiday lighting and so-called Vaudeville theme around the Arches on the Promenade. You are probably one of the miserable individuals that complained about the Christmas ...
All of this war between Russia and Ukraine would never have happened ...
Disappointed to hear that red, white, and blue day at Douglass Veterans Memorial School in Villas, is being canceled for the opinions of a migrant who is offended ...
Trump has scrapped the US, other than firings what do you hear from him about helping Americans, nothing! Helping Kentucky, No, he had so much criticism about Biden deali ...
Trump giving rebates from DOGE money saved is transparently just playing to the low income MAGA people. Do the smart thing and try and reduce the national debt like a tru ...
All said and done the FAA has been short staffed for years, rightfully so. Very stressful. But why are the newest employees fired, not because they were proven incompeten ...