The Department of Health and Rehabilitation consists of four units: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, audiology and speech and language pathology. We have different areas of expertise within ...
The University of Gothenburg as an organisation has a major environmental impact, so we have a great responsibility to develop internal methods for achieving sustainable development. We aim to reduce ...
In this Sea and Society Talk, Stefano Longo and Borja Nogué Algueró explore Europe’s role in the global plastic crisis. As both a major producer and consumer of plastics, Europe faces significant ...
Admission to the course requires completion of the course GV1410 Geoscience: Basic course with 25% pass or an equivalent course in geoscience. To be admitted to the University, you need to do an ...
Svensk vikingabefolkning tycks ha lidit av svår ohälsa i mun, käkar och ansikte, bihåle- och öroninflammationer, artros och mycket annat. Det visar en studie vid Göteborgs universitet där ...
Offered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Faculty of Science and Technology Modern computers can make billions of calculations per second, but it is often difficult to attain these top ...
Sweden's Viking Age population appears to have suffered from severe oral and maxillofacial disease, sinus and ear infections, osteoarthritis, and much more. This is shown in a study from the ...
Press office Journalists are welcome to contact our Press Officers with queries. For subject-related queries, please get in touch with the media contact at the relevant faculty.
Forskare på Sahlgrenska akademin vill förstå hur kroppen fungerar, förebygga ohälsa och utveckla behandlingar. Vår forskning sträcker sig från experimentell grundforskning om molekylers struktur och ...
Vi erbjuder partnerskap på tre nivåer: Senior Partner, Associate Partner, och för offentlig verksamhet finns dessutom formen Public Associate Partner. Vad som ingår i partnerskapet skiljer sig åt ...
Offered by the HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design at the The Artistic Faculty ...
Att undersöka hur digitala medier påverkar kulturell och samhällelig förändring, från ett traditionellt nätverkande samhälle till ett orörligt lapptäcke Att förstå varför detta händer, med fokus på ...