Tiistaina 18.3. järjestettävässä tilaisuudessa esitellään uuden tutkimusraportin tuloksia. Lisäksi asiantuntijapaneeli kokoontuu keskustelemaan perusopetuksen järjestämisen tavoista. Lasten ja nuorten ...
This page contains instructions on registration for the University of Helsinki’s open university studies and course fees as well as information on terms of payment. Please read the instructions ...
The Department of Bacteriology and Immunology studies microbes, innate and adaptive immunity, as well as host-microbe interactions. The knowledge gained is used to determine the pathogenesis of ...
All graduates, exchange students and staff of the Faculty of Theology are considered University alumni. Alumni activities are aimed at promoting dialogue among members of the alumni community, the ...
Volatile organic compounds, usually associated with poor indoor air, were discovered in a borehole more than two kilometres deep. Previously, groundwater dating back tens of millions of years was ...
Kunniamaininnan saanut virologi väittelee maaliskuussa Helsingin yliopistossa. LL Lari Pyöriä nimitettiin Vuoden Nuoreksi Virologiksi kansallisilla virologipäivillä Jyväskylässä 7.2.2025. Tämän ...
Introducing the keynote speakers of NORDIK 2025 conference: Mathias Danbolt, Merike Kurisoo, and Anna Ripatti. Merike Kurisoo, an Estonian art historian, is the Director of both the Niguliste Museum ...
Kumpula Campus Library is located in the Physicum building at Kumpula Campus. The entrance to the Library is on the first floor of the Physicum lobby. Near the entrance to Physicum, there is a bus ...
As they take up their new role, each professor at the University of Helsinki holds a public inaugural lecture. Inaugural lectures are held twice a year close to the end of each term, usually in May ...
Carol Brimley Norris saapui Suomeen ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1978. Hän opetti englantia lähes neljän vuosikymmenen ajan kielikeskuksessa ja kielipalveluissa. Nyt hänen suhteensa yliopistoon jatkuu ...
What will ensure Finland's success while its population decreases? Kipinä Future Forum offers new ideas on Finland's future.The keynote will be given by Professor Ian Goldin of the University of ...
Intensiivikurssi Kiinassa avasi uusia näkökulmia Helsingin yliopiston varhaiskasvatuksen opiskelijoille. Leikillisen oppimisen pedagogiikka varhaiskasvatuksessa -projekti eli PLAYCO yhdistää ...