OU Police Officers are armed, CLEET certified peace officers. They may be assigned as patrol officers, detectives, or Crime Prevention Officers. Some are assigned to the multi-jurisdiction SWAT team ...
The University of Oklahoma's $2.1 billion enterprise represents one of Oklahoma's greatest assets. Our impact is changing the lives of all Oklahomans, through scholarship, research and more. 30,000+ ...
At the University of Oklahoma (OU), program assessment is aimed at providing faculty in every department, opportunities to define knowledge, abilities, skills, habits of mind, and attitudes they ...
The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. Welcome to the Accessibility and Disability Resource Center! We are thrilled that that you have found these pages and hope that what you ...
We are earth and energy. The Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy improves people’s lives through research, education and service by studying Earth’s past and present, developing new energy tools and ...
Our work emphasizes the combined application of behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) methods, using the methods of computational neuroscience to link these variables.There are currently four ...
Dr. Zhou’s outstanding achievements are recognized internationally as a top 0.1% global highly cited researcher by all three major complementary metrics based on Elservier’s Scopus, Web of Science, ...
OU is the largest research institution in the state of Oklahoma, and with more than 575 endowed faculty members who are committed to providing students with a real world, hands-on learning experience, ...
The University of Oklahoma's $2.1 billion enterprise represents one of Oklahoma's greatest assets. Our impact is changing the lives of all Oklahomans, through scholarship, research and more. 30,000+ ...
The Gallogly College of Engineering is enjoying a period of rapid growth and we are continuing to invest in new faculty across all disciplines. With more than 20 open positions, we seek candidates ...
Diffusion research examines how ideas are spread among groups of people. Diffusion goes beyond the two-step flow theory, centering on the conditions that increase or decrease the likelihood that an ...
Read more Read article: Game-changing Research: OU Esports Committee to Explore Rapidly Growing Field Read article: Game-changing Research: OU Esports Committee to Explore Rapidly Growing Field In ...