Esos dos partidos son el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) y el Partido Popular (PP), que son los que se han estado ...
These two parties are the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and the Popular Party (PP), which have been alternating in ...
La forma que Donald Trump está teniendo de abordar la invasión rusa de Ucrania también nos está dando algunas lecciones, y ...
Donald Trump's approach to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is also teaching us some lessons, and some of them in spite of the ...
In addition to its design, the F-15 owes this formidable capability to its two Pratt & Whitney F100 turbofan engines, which each provide a thrust of 105.7 kN with afterburner. To give you an idea, ...
El F-15 Eagle, operativo desde 1976, es hoy en día el avión de combate más antiguo de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos (USAF). Las características de los nuevos cazas F-15IA Eagle II que EEUU ha ...
La Armada Española ha comunicado que su patrullero de vigilancia interior "Cabo Fradera" P-201, con base en la Comandancia ...
In fact, in all the years she has been in politics, Yolanda Díaz has not criticized a communist dictatorship even once. On ...
Yesterday it was revealed that the Socialists and their separatist partners have agreed to forgive 17.104 billion of ...
Last Saturday, the newspaper El Debate published a very good article by Brigadier General of the Marine Corps (R) Agustín ...
Despite the propaganda, Russia does not have a tank fleet as advanced as the United States. As demonstrated in this war, much ...
Finally, here we see the Bivouac Buffa di Perrero, named after the Italian mountaineer Colonel Carlo Alfonso Buffa di Perrero, who fell in combat on 5 November 1916. This refuge was built as a ...