Un haut responsable des affaires politiques de l’ONU a réaffirmé, lundi, que tout accord de paix en Ukraine devait respecter la souveraineté, l’indépendance et l’intégrité territoriale du pays, ...
Cath Chapman, Professor, Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney Katrina Prior, Research Fellow, Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance ...
New analysis shows boys are more confident in tasks involving maps and timetables. Parents can help by telling daughters it’s OK to make mistakes in maths.
The White House plan to place tariffs on countries with a domestic consumption tax means Australia’s GST could be in the firing line.
In a new civics report, only 28% of Australian Year 10 students met the ‘proficient standard’ in 2024 compared to 38% in 2019.
Caroline Darian bears ‘a crushing double burden’ as the daughter of Gisèle Pelicot and her tormentor. In her memoir, she processes her trauma by fighting for change.
Should you be able to sue a judge for damages? For several centuries the answer has been no in a “superior” court, such as a state Supreme Court, but possibly yes in an “inferior” court, such as a ...
James Watson, Professor in Conservation Science, School of the Environment, The University of Queensland Almost 200 nations have signed an ambitious agreement to halt and reverse biodiversity loss but ...
(Beyrouth) – Les attaques menées par Israël dans le sud du Liban entre octobre 2023 et décembre 2024 y ont détruit un grand nombre d’infrastructures civiles et de services publics essentiels, ce qui e ...
Alors que la France perd rapidement son influence dans la région du Sahel en Afrique de l'Ouest et qu'un un président américain imprévisible est au pouvoir, la Chine pourra t-elle combler le vide ? La ...
The DRC illustrates how millions of people in fragile, violent and conflict-affected parts of the world are at risk of disaster.
par Langis Michaud, Professeur Titulaire. École d'optométrie. Expertise en santé oculaire et usage des lentilles cornéennes spécialisées, Université de Montréal Le National Academy of Sciences (USA) a ...