They decided to take a step closer to preparing a memorandum of understanding with the city and San Antonio Spurs for a ...
According to Texas Health and Human Services the person who tested positive for measles made two stops at a gas station in ...
A policy change by the Trump administration allows immigration agents to enter and arrest people in health facilities. Some ...
The outbreak is primarily affecting West Texas, but cases have recently spread to San Antonio, New Braunfels and San Marcos, ...
Mike Macans is one of an unknown number of Small Business Administration employees who were fired, unfired and fired again as ...
Staff and observers worry that the agency may not be prepared for emerging threats including bird flu and insect-borne ...
Federal power only goes so far. State governors and legislatures have wide authority over local law enforcement, schools, ...
Republicans in Congress are turning to a tool of the budget process to pass major elements of President Trump's agenda ...
On a flight home, Caitlin Shetterly told the man next to her that after 9/11, flying made her nervous. Then the man told her ...
State medical experts have confirmed 124 cases of measles in Texas. This is the largest measles outbreak in Texas in 30 years ...
The general consensus was clear: To a person, everyone said they love their Tesla. But, whether they like Musk or hate him, ...
James and Karen Jimerson's home was wrongfully raided in March 2019. Courts say they can't sue the officer who led the raid ...