Andrew Stephen Munuwa is an independent photographer and curator from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Within his photographic ...
This year, silent green will once again open its doors wide on the first weekend of Advent and invite you to the winter ...
The short version of Greed for Speed documents the emergence of Singeli at a time when it was still an absolutely marginal ...
The museum shop ShopPopulaire has also come up with something special. On Saturday, BASALAI Flowers is offering workshops on ...
Allegories of Triversity marks Monica Piloni's first exhibition in Berlin. She is deeply engaged in the reconstruction of the ...
Just in time for the Advent season, the artsping PopUpStore brings together numerous Pankow artists in a sales exhibition in ...
The longing for peace and a place where you feel at home is a force that can move mountains. Participants explore the ...
Curling on four weatherproof lanes in the outdoor area of Spreegold offers fun and sociable enjoyment in the open air. The ...
Weihnachten hat viele Facetten: Es ist Zeit für Familie und Freunde, ein Fest zur Geburt Jesu Christi, eine Phase der Besinnung, aber auch des Genusses. Es ist ein Fest der Sinne und Überraschungen.
Genau dort, wo heute das Humboldt Forum steht, erhob sich einst der "Volkspalast" der DDR, politisches Zentrum und Ort der Repräsentation, aber auch des Vergnügens. Am authentischen Ort werden auf ...
Selected posters from the open-air installation "Keep Freedom High" will be on display for three weeks in the Red Town Hall. These posters were on display along the former course of the Wall on the ...
Destination: Tashkent is a festival for film and discourse that takes place at the HKW and other locations in Berlin and ...