Scientists have invented a do-it-your-self test for a serious breathing illness that often goes undetected. More than three million people suffer from sleep apnea - a condition where breathing ...
Dr Nighat is busting some myths and sharing her quick tricks and tips to help you end your snoring nightmare for a grater ...
Up to 3.9 million people in the UK are estimated to have moderate or severe OSA, although it is considered to be ...
Is snoring causing riffs in your household? According to a new survey of 2,000 Brits, women are louder when it comes to snoring than men. 30% said that they are regularly kept awake by their ...
Are you tired of the nightly symphony of snores that either emanate from your own throat or disturb your slumber from a partner’s side of the bed? Well, it might be time to say ‘cheese’ and smile at ...