AMD's upcoming flagship silicon, referred to by the codename "Strix Halo" has been kept well under wraps, but the chip ...
AMD’s penchant for long product names is evident in its latest offering, which (according to the Geekbench entry) is an AMD ...
Leaked benchmarks for the flagship AMD Strix Halo APU have surfaced on Geekbench. If the benchmarks posted on Geekbench’s ...
AMD's Strix Halo seems to have broken cover by appearing on the online repository, Geekbench. Specifically, the chip appears ...
IT之家 12 月 12 日消息,由华硕贸易合作伙伴 Technoprime 运营的白俄罗斯华硕商城现已提前上架了新款 ROG Flow Z13(IT之家注:对应国内 ROG 幻 X)二合一游戏笔记本电脑。该型号基于 AMD "Strix Halo" ...
近日,华硕旗下的二合一游戏笔记本电脑ROG Flow Z13(国内对应型号为ROG 幻 X)在白俄罗斯提前亮相,由华硕的贸易合作伙伴Technoprime运营的白俄罗斯华硕商城率先上架了这一新品。据悉,这款笔记本搭载了AMD“Strix ...
Strix Halo旗舰RYZEN AI MAX+ PRO 395 w现身,核显Radeon 8060S表现不及预期。
The Ryzen AI Max+ Pro 395 was put through Geekbench's Vulkan GPU test. The 67,000 points achieved are nominally below the ...
近日,一加品牌宣布将于本月盛大发布一系列新品,涵盖智能手机、平板电脑及耳机等多个领域,其中包括备受期待的一加 Ace 5 和一加 Ace 5 Pro 骁龙双旗舰手机、全新一加平板以及一加 Buds Ace 2 ...
Highlighted by Wccftech, MSI has released benchmarks of the Claw 8 AI+ pictured below, which reveal the new handheld ...
从机构数据获悉,国补政策落地以来(9月25日-12月1日),国内电视市场整体销量较同期增长28.41%。其中,百吋超大屏和Mini LED增长最明显:百吋及以上超大屏销量同比增幅高达296.65%,Mini LED电视销量也较同期暴增了7倍多。