Here you can find information on our PhD programme, studentships including descriptions of the types of projects offered, and details on how to apply. Recruitment for this programme is currently ...
Please add a funding source, and populate the fields as below: Type of Funding: Uni of Manchester Scheme Awarding Body (free text): SoSS Economics PhD Studentships Status of Funding: Intend to Apply ...
For 2025 entry, LSE will be offering studentships to new PhD students in the form of LSE PhD Studentships, LSE DTP ESRC Studentships and London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) Studentships. The ...
From time to time, the Department of International Development is able to offer PhD Studentships with a specific project or skills focus. To be considered for one of these Studentships, you will need ...
The School of Physical and Chemical Sciences offer a number of fully funded postgraduate research studentships to support PhD students each year. Our PhD studentships are usually attached to a ...
Subject to residential eligibility status, the award covers: Tuition fees Maintenance stipend (the annual maintenance stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237) A research training support grant Opportunities to ...
Studentships cover three years of fees, an annual non-taxable maintenance grant of approx. £19,500, a Research Training and Support grant of £900 per year and access to paid teaching opportunities.
The Queen Mary Faculty of Science and Engineering is inviting applications for Doctoral Research Studentships from UK candidates from underrepresented groups (e.g., Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) in ...
Go to an overview of PhD studentships and stipends. These terms and conditions apply to all University-administered postgraduate research awards, including those that are funded by research councils.
The new Inventing Futures programme at Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS) is pleased ...
A UKRI funded studentship in the theoretical nuclear physics group at the University of Surrey to work on theories at the forefront of nuclear physics, in areas such as nuclear reactions, structure, ...