The new Crystal Bridges School Partnership Pilot Program will help middle school students focus on creativity and ...
A UNILAG first-class graduate has shared her success secret. The young Nigerian female youth who came from a humble background explained how she overcame challenges.
Stringfellow Elementary School was recognized as a Title I Reward School, Tuesday. The school organized an assembly to ...
The lawsuit says forcing schools to teach only the views supported by the federal government amounts to a violation of free ...
Los Angeles and Orange County teachers with innovative ideas for class projects are being encouraged Wednesday to apply for ...
Canopy Oaks Elementary School is expanding their new program "Lit Club" to improve reading fluency in students before they reach 4th grade.
North Island Credit Union Foundation is offering grants through its teacher grant program. The foundation will award 10 $500 ...
Gov. Greg Abbott named raising teacher pay as one of seven emergency items for this legislative session. The push for higher ...
When certain legal matters reach an appeals court, the decision to overturn can rest on whether an initial finding was ...
The Oregon Education Association, the statewide teachers’ union, is in favor of the bill. Since 2000, OEA says there have ...
This year’s music festival will be held on Feb. 28 and March 1 at First Lutheran Church in Alexandria. Any students who receive a superior rating for five points may perform one of their pieces in a ...
The Social Security Administration will begin processing retroactive payments and will send increased monthly payments to people affected by the Social Security Fairness Act ...