Noting that Canada's false allegations about China's human rights and illicit sanctions against Chinese personnel are of an egregious nature and have serious consequences, Mao said China has made ...
Recent sanctions the United States has levied against high-tech Chinese companies are a blatant attempt to suppress these ...
The scheme allows Chinese citizens to contribute up to 12,000 yuan (about 1,670 U.S. dollars) annually to individual pension accounts. Participants in the scheme can enjoy the preferential policy of ...
Committed to putting the people first, China has found a path of human rights development that is in line with the trend of the times and suits its national conditions. Historic achievements have been ...
China said on Thursday it would expand a private pension scheme nationwide from December 15, following a pilot effort, as it ...
「安老自助处」(Self-Help for the Elderly)是自1966年开始在华埠提供长者一系列服务的非营利组织,总裁暨执行长钟月娟(Anni Chung)说:「气候变迁绝对对我们长者的生活品质及健康造成了影响。」 ...
编者按作为唯一一个可以预防癌症的疫苗,HPV疫苗被万千女粉捧成“顶流”。但有个特殊时期经常会和接种疫苗“撞车”。HPV疫苗接种需半年时间,在这个期间经常有姐妹发现自己意外怀孕了,那要不要继续接种?接种的疫苗对宝宝有没有影响?图源:soogif  废话 ...
2024年12月12日,上海 — 近日,全球领先的消费者洞察与市场研究机构J.D.
Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also ...
心脏是什么形状? 许多人会说,这道题我会,不就是心形的嘛。 心脏的真正形态是个螺旋形的莫比乌斯环。 再来一道题:心脏是怎么跳动的? 你可能会说,这道题也很简单,像吹气球那样一鼓一缩的啊。