美联社 (Associated Press)已请求一名联邦法官恢复其进入白宫记者团的资格,并在诉讼中称,特朗普 (Trump)政府限制其记者的行动违反了美国宪法第一修正案。 美联社表示,在该新闻机构拒绝改变其关于墨西哥湾 (Gulf of ...
(法新社佛罗里达州棕榈滩18日电) 美国总统川普今天表示,他将继续限制美联社记者进入白宫,直到这家新闻通讯社遵守他的命令,将墨西哥湾改称「美国湾」(Gulf of America)。
US President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday on establishing a new council to boost US production and export of fossil fuels. Tasked with driving up US domestic oil and gas production, ...
"This is a big deal. This is the beginning of making America rich again," Trump said when signing the proclamations in the Oval Office. "It's time for our great industries to come back to America." ...
Asian Skating Union President Chang Myong-hi, an esteemed sports official of the Republic of Korea, was left in awe of the standards of the Games' facilities after a visit to the Speed Skating Oval at ...