Locals and tourists alike flock to Dromana Beach, making the most of Melbourne's hot summer day. Melbourne’s 36°C heat saw crowds flocking to beaches like Dromana, seeking relief in the water and enjo ...
「当代青年创作者:蹊径奖」的发起源于一个数千年前穿越、传递而来的灵感。1054 年,时值34 ...
I’m sending an Blessings from Africa to my summer camp friend. It’s the perfect gift to honor our bond. The Blessings from ...
In Santa Barbara, California, a strong-willed but loving single mother raises her teenage son with the help of two unconventional young women during the summer of 1979. At the dawn of World War II, a ...
「当代青年创作者:蹊径奖」旨在鼓励 18 - 45 ...
Where would you go on a China travel journey? David Couvidat chose the ancient Tea Horse Road relics in Pu'er, Yunnan Province, for his final hiking trip before leaving China. Nathanael Dwight Pelton, ...
【星岛都市网】多伦多18岁泳手Summer McIntosh于今天(10日)的世界游泳锦标赛中,以破世界纪录的成绩赢得女子400米自由泳冠军。 Summer以3分50秒25的成绩,遥遥领先澳洲选手Lani Pallister(3分53秒73)创下世界纪录。同场代表加拿大的魁省选手Mary-Sophie Harvey,则以3分54秒88夺得铜牌,赢得她第一面国际奖牌。
今年夏天,开弥跟随“Path Seekers 问道中国”徒步小组,与南京博物院名誉院长龚良先生一起,来到景德镇以东约50公里处的高岭古道。龚良先生告诉她,不要小看这短短几公里的古道,当年,它是运送高岭土的重要通道;不要小看高岭土,那可是制瓷的关键原料 ...
• 26岁的卢吉·曼吉奥内因涉嫌枪杀联合健康保险公司(UnitedHealthcare)首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森被捕。他长期饱受慢性背痛的折磨。在此期间,他与一些家人好友失去了联系。