Objective To identify methods of tophus measurement for gout studies, summarise the properties of these methods and compile a detailed pictorial reference guide to demonstrate the methods. Methods A ...
CT scans were scored for the presence and diameter of bone erosions and tophi. The presence of intraosseous tophus (tophus visualised within bone) was recorded. The relationships between radiographic ...
Joints and tendons were evaluated by ultrasound for presence of the OMERACT structural gout lesions—double contour sign (DC), tophus, aggregates and erosion—scored binarily. A sum score was calculated ...
推荐意见1:GA 的超声表现多样,其中双轨征(double contour sign)和痛风石(tophus)是尿酸盐沉积的特征性表现(证据等级:1a;推荐强度:A)。
Introduction The prevalence of urate crystals in residual tissue samples from coronary arteries, aortic valves and prostate glands was assessed. Methods Alcohol-fixed coronary arteries from 55 ...