The CTSTP is a 6-month certificate program that provides training in clinical and translational research. Sessions are presented by experienced clinical and translational researchers or individuals ...
Infection research stands at the forefront of global health initiatives, particularly considering emerging pathogens and ...
Translational bioinformatics is the science of collecting, representing, storing, retrieving, and processing data and knowledge for improving human health. This research area focuses on the interface ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
The Purdue Translational Pharmacology (PTP) Core conducts in vivo studies that avoid the stress-induced complications of biofluid collection and provide a translational model more closely aligned with ...
Translational Psychiatry is a sister journal to the well-established and number-one journal in psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry, but explores the more translational area between the research in ...
Formed in 2009, the Buffalo Translational Consortium (BTC) includes the leading academic, healthcare and research institutions in the Buffalo region, along with key community partners. Each BTC ...
In response to the National Institutes of Health’s urgent call to improve biomedical research, Case Western Reserve University offers a full slate of formal training programs in clinical research and ...
The overarching goals of the Translational Research Program are to discover and translate molecular and epidemiological findings. To achieve our goals we conduct research in the laboratory and in the ...