在这个冬季,又一个令人期待的音乐盛会即将来临。柏林爵士三重奏——MegaMass,以其新专辑《Murmurs and Wails》为主题,将于12月17日在中国南京举办一场别开生面的音乐会。正如乐团宣传语所言:“即兴是我们的灵魂,热情是我们的脉搏。”这是一场不仅停留在音符上的演出,更是一次心灵的碰撞,两者的结合让我们不禁好奇,究竟发生了怎样的化学反应。
David L. Wails, age 77, of West Lawn, passed away on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, in the Reading Hospital Medical Center. The husband of Mary E. (Breidegam) Wails, they celebrated 53 years of ...
Prince Harry was lambasted as the "Duke of wails" by Samantha's lawyer. Picture: ITV Awkwardly, Mr Ticktin also erroneously referred to Harry by his brother’s title Prince of Wales, but the ...
(L-R) David Wails, Joe Ritchie-Bennett and James Furlong died at the scene of the attack in Forbury Gardens A police officer missed opportunities to report the risk posed by the killer of three ...