Timeless is an American science fiction drama television series that premiered on NBC on October 3, 2016. It stars Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, and Malcolm Barrett as a team that attempts to stop a mysterious organization from changing the course of …
With Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, Malcolm Barrett, Paterson Joseph. A team including Professor Lucy Preston, her bodyguard Wyatt Logan and engineer Rufus Carlin go back in time to capture Garcia Flynn after he steals a time machine to change American history.
2024年9月27日 — Timeless Lyrics: XO / Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, no / Ever since I was a jit, knew I was the shit (Ooh, yeah) / Shorty keep wanna come 'round, she wanna get hit (Wanna get hit so hard) / She think she...
2016年9月13日 — Will One Kiss Change Everything? History: Is It Fate or Chance? Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter and Malcolm Barrett star on Timeless as the heroic Time Team.
From Eric Kripke ("Revolution," "Supernatural"), Shawn Ryan ("The Shield") and the producers of "The Blacklist" comes this thrilling action-adventure series in which a...