grammar - Difference between 且... 且... and 一面… 一面 - Chinese …
2023年8月6日 · [且 X 且 Y] is a classical literary structure, only used with monosyllabic verbs and no complements. Example: 且戰且退 [一面 X 一面 Y] is more colloquial and works with verbs or long verb phrases
Does A而B且C mean "A and B and C"? - chinese.stackexchange.com
2018年2月28日 · "A而B且C" means A and B and C. We use "A而B且C" instead of "A且B且C" simply due to the reason that we do not want to use the same word twice in the phrase. "既","且",“而” can all mean "and", while sometimes, the word "而" can means "but" (when "而" is used alone to link two sentences).
translation - What does 且 mean by itself? - Chinese Language …
2015年2月22日 · So here 且 means and(而且). Another useage 且 means 'just', such as 且行且珍惜(just cherish what you have at the moment) here 且 means just. 即可(离火) means you can do something when something happen as soon as possbile. Such as: 1.
meaning - 也 和 并 与 及 跟 而 同 difference? - Chinese Language …
2016年5月11日 · 13.且. connects: ? does not connect: ? etymology: Primitive pictograph 且. An ancesteral tablet placed on the altar or a depiction of a penis as in 祖 (spirit+penis = spirit of Fathers). So the sence of "following from ancestors to you and so on. The line of following = lineage. analogs to: 将, in ancient times 且 was used as a future ...
Which is "with" and which is "and" in 与,和,就,跟,同,并,及
In Chinese there are a lot of conjunctions: 与,和,就,跟,同,并,及,乃(廼迺),而,也,共,又,亦,且,兼 all of which are usually and lazily translated as English "and". Question: I wonder which of those glyphs is defin...
For 得过且过, how the meaning was derived?
2021年4月20日 · 且 in classical Chinese is an adverb meaning 'for the time being; at least'. Usually it is used when the speaker faces an unwelcoming situation, but has to perform a certain action, perhaps unwillingly. Its modern Chinese equivalent is 姑且;暫且. Combined, 得+V+且+V means 'whenever it is possible to v., v. for the time being'. Usually ...
Do 和 and 及 refer to two different kinds of "ands?"
2013年6月11日 · 一个优雅 且 和蔼的女人 a graceful and gentle woman 他担任教练 兼 队长。He doubled as coach and captain of the team. 你 跟 他一块儿来。You and he come togther. It is very hard to give specific rules on how to use them. You need to read a lot Chinese text to build up your language sense on those characters.
姐 vs 姊, etymology, and their English equivalences
It looks that 姐 has something to do 祖 with the same 且. The 且 has something to do with the tombstone or the male reproductive/sex organ. But it seems counter-intuitive that: 姊 is used for the senior sister. 姐 can be used for both junior or senior female. 小姐 means Lady. Like "各位小姐先生" means "Ladies and Gentlemen."
Difference between 而, 但 and 和 - Chinese Language Stack …
和 means 'and', and so does 而. What is the difference between the two. I also know that 而 means 'but', and the second question is what is the difference between 而 and 但. Give me an example sentence,
Poem source and English translation - 愿无岁月可回头,且敬往事 …
愿无岁月可回头,且敬往事一杯酒 看流年似水,往事不可追 愿你 每天那么忙 做的都是自己喜欢的 此后做的每一个选择都是为了自己 少一些何必当初,多一些暗自庆幸 以后的所有泪水,都是喜极而泣 昨天已经过去 无论怎样忧伤,都无济于事