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贝尔纳·库什内 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贝尔纳·库什内(法语: Bernard Kouchner ,1939年11月1日 — ,阿维尼翁),法国政治家、外交家、医生,无国界医生和世界医生组织创始人之一。 前 社會黨 成员,曾任法国卫生部部 …
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Bernard Kouchner — Wikipédia
在fr.wikipedia.org上查看更多信息Bernard Kouchner1 (prononcé [kuʃ.nɛʁ]) est un médecin et homme politique français né le 1er novembre 1939 à Avignon. Cofondateur de Médecins sans frontières et de Médecins du monde, il a été ministre de différents gouvernements de gauche et de droite. Bernard Kouchner a été cité depuis les années 2000 dan…- 预计阅读时间:7 分钟
Bernard Kouchner—Founder of Doctors Without …
Bernard Kouchner was born on November 1, 1939, in Avignon in southeastern France, about 50 miles northwest of Marseilles. He grew up in the suburbs of Paris, where his father was a physician. While growing up and being …
Bernard Kouchner - Carnegie Council for Ethics in …
Bernard Kouchner is a French socialist politician, activist, diplomat, and doctor. He is co-founder of the Nobel prize-winning Doctors Without Borders and has held ministerial positions with different French governments
Bernard Kouchner Biography - children, parents, name, school, …
2018年10月17日 · Ahousehold name in France, Bernard Kouchner is the physician who founded the humanitarian-relief group Médecins Sans Frontières, or Bernard Kouchner Doctors …
Bernard Kouchner - Quantum
B Bernard Kouchner started his career practicing medicine as a gastro-enterologist at Hospital Cochin, Paris. Since then, he devoted his life to serve Humanitarian causes and Public health …
KOUCHNER Bernard - Hepatology Specialist - PHC Paris
Bernard Kouchner started his career practicing medicine as a gastro-enterologist at Hopital Cochin, Paris. Since then, he devoted his life to serve Humanitarian causes and Public health …
Bernard Kouchner - Aurora Prize
Internationally renowned politician and physician Bernard Kouchner co-founded the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in 1971 and co-founded Médecins du Monde in 1980. From 2007 to …
Europe | Bernard Kouchner: The man behind MSF
1999年10月15日 · Medecins sans Frontieres, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize may never have come into being without the drive of one of its founding members, Bernard Kouchner. Mr Kouchner, a charismatic...