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    Bernard Kouchner - Wikipedia

    • Bernard Kouchner (born 1 November 1939) is a French politician and doctor. He is the co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Médecins du Monde. From 2007 until 2010, he was the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs in the center-right Fillon government under president Nicolas Sarkozy, although he had been in the past a minister i… 展开

    出生1939年11月1日 (85岁) · 亚维农
    母校巴黎医学院 · 圣巴尔布初级中学
    Early life

    Kouchner was born in Avignon, to a Jewish father and a Protestant mother. Kouchner's paternal grandparents were Russian-born Jews who escaped the pogroms by immigrating to France, but perished decades later in … 展开