Bonsai tree care and maintenance - Bonsai Empire
Though Bonsai trees are more delicate than the average indoor plant, a few basic rules should enable anyone to take care of their tree properly. Pay particular attention to where you place it and how to water it properly.
How to grow a Bonsai tree, for beginners - Bonsai Empire
Maintenance and care is a crucial part of growing a Bonsai tree. Although every tree species has its specific care guidelines, I'll discuss some of the basics beginning with watering. Be sure to identify your Bonsai for specific instructions.
Growing and caring for a Bonsai tree - Bonsai Empire
Keeping a Bonsai tree alive is not a difficult task, but there are a few things you should be aware of. Bonsai trees are planted in small pots with minimal space for water and nutrient reserves. That means you need to water and fertilize your tree regularly.
Repotting Bonsai, how to repot your tree - Bonsai Empire
To prevent your Bonsai from being pot-bound and ultimately starving to death, It's crucial to repot, or transplant regularly. A tree becomes pot-bound as it uses up the available nutrients in the soil and the roots grow to the shape of the pot.
Watering Bonsai; how to water your trees - Bonsai Empire
The most important part of taking care of your Bonsai trees is watering. How often a tree needs to be watered depends on several factors such as; species of the tree, size of the tree, size of the pot, time of year, soil-mixture, and climate.
Where to place your Bonsai tree - Bonsai Empire
Place indoor trees somewhere with a constant temperature throughout the day. Continue reading about Indoor Bonsai here, or use the Identify my Bonsai guide to determine your tree species. You'll need to know what tree species you have exactly to optimize its care. Popular indoor Bonsai trees; a ficus, carmona and Chinese elm. Outdoor Bonsai ...
Care guide for Redwood Bonsai (Metasequoia and Sequoia
Redwood bonsai are hardly ever attacked by pests and diseases. For more detailed information on these techniques, check out our Bonsai tree care section.
Bonsai maintenance calendar - Bonsai Empire
If you want make a pine into a bonsai, pinching candles and pruning new shoots are absolute musts. If small branches are not slowed down, they will continue to grow longer in all directions, seeking out as much light as possible.
Indoor Bonsai tree care guidelines - Bonsai Empire
Which Bonsai is best for indoors? There are only a few tropical or subtropical trees that grow well indoors. The most common, and the easiest to care for, is the Ficus Bonsai. The Ficus is tolerant of low humidity and is very resilient, making it an excellent choice for beginners.
Care guide for the Jade Bonsai (Crassula, Portulacaria) - Bonsai …
The Jade is strong when it's watered correctly and is receiving sufficient sunlight. If taken care of, you should not experience any issues with its health. For more detailed information on these techniques, check out our Bonsai tree care section.