Jinx is a British children's comedy television sitcom based on the 'Lulu Baker' trilogy of books, written by Fiona Dunbar. The first series premiered on 31 October 2009 on CBBC and ended …
13/13 Lulu has to do a presentation in class on a Victorian novel, but she hasn't read the book. 12/13 Cookie provides a recipe which makes the world agree with everything Lulu says. 11/13 …
Jinx: With Amber Beattie, Chizzy Akudolu, Michael Nardone, Lucy Chalkley. The series chronicles the life of Lulu Rose Katherine Baker, a teenager whose father has just gotten remarried to a …
Lulu's father has recently been remarried and Lulu is having a hard time coping with her new stepmother and brother, and when Torquil moves into Lulu's bedro...
2009年10月30日 · Comedy drama about a girl with a magical cookbook. It feels to Lulu as if her life cannot get any worse, when a visitor takes her on a magical adventure. An extraordinary …
Jinx is a 13 x 30' magical sitcom for 6 to 12 year olds produced by Kindle Entertainment for CBBC. Based on the already successful books from the 'Lulu Baker...
A guide to Jinx, the 2009 BBC One TV comedy drama. Comedy series for CBBC about a modern-day Cinderella and her magic cookbook, based on the Lulu Baker series of books by Fiona …
Jinx Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Advertisement. Explore properties. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us. Overview. What is Fandom? About …