What does Math isn't mathing. mean? - HiNative
2023年1月21日 · Definition of Math isn't mathing. It is slang, and it is being used for comedy. "mathing" is not technically a word, and it is not normally a verb either. But it is playing with the words and using the repetition to reinforce what they are saying. It is saying that the math is not working properly. So the math is not doing what math should do, it …
【match to】 と 【match with】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
【ネイティブ回答】「match to」と「match with」はどう違うの?質問に1件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。
What is the meaning of "aweee"? - Question about English (US)
2019年5月13日 · Definition of aweee the sound you make when something is cute- it can be spelled with or without an e and as many w's as the person wants
"dual" 和 "double" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
The difference between dual and double is that dual refers to two things, parts, etc., while double refers to two matching or complementary elements, and can also mean twice the number, amount, size, etc. Dual can also refer to an item that is one of a pair, the other item in the pair. For example: - This is a dual-engine plane.
What does al , allo , ai , alle , alla mean? - HiNative
2023年3月17日 · Definition of al , allo , ai , alle , alla As RJ_G said, they are a combination of the preposition A (meaning "to" or "at") and the definite article matching with the following object, such as: A+lo = allo Sto andando allo stadio =i am going to the stadium (stadio is a singular male noun, so you should match it with the singular male article, LO) A+la = alla Connettere il computer alla ...
What is the meaning of "reto"? - Question about Filipino
2019年12月5日 · Definition of reto @iiiannne id like to elaborate more. RETO is often use for love matchmaking.. for example you are my friend and then i have this other friend that i think would be a match for you so i will "reto" him for you. i hope you understand
al , allo , ai , alle , alla とはどういう意味ですか? - HiNative
As RJ_G said, they are a combination of the preposition A (meaning "to" or "at") and the definite article matching with the following object, such as: A+lo = allo Sto andando allo stadio =i am going to the stadium (stadio is a singular male noun, so you should match it with the singular male article, LO) A+la = alla Connettere il computer alla ...
How do you say "I can arrange my schedule around yours" in
2021年8月6日 · Formal: Please let me know of a time that suits you and I will accommodate for it. Casual: Let me know a time that suits you. Let me know when you have time and we'll arrange for then. I can meet you (or talk on the phone, or whatever you are scheduling) whenever you are free.|More on the formal side: My schedule is flexible. When is the best time for you? very casual: I'm good for whenever ...
"direction" 和 "orientation" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
directionDirection is where something is facing or going toward. There are objective things for direction, like north and south, or 左 and 右. Orientation is where something is facing in relation to another object. If I am facing north and there is also a rock in my path, my direction is north, but I am oriented toward the rock. I hope that this makes sense. 🤞|Direction is the way ...