meaning - Is it "close the door" or "shut the door"? - English …
2014年5月9日 · close, shut; close up (temporary closing, in drawing - to bring lines together/close space), shut up (for the night [it would not suffice to say shut up without naming some …
What are the onomatopoeia for opening and closing of a door ...
2017年6月30日 · The writer has already deduced that the sounds are from a door, so the whole statement could be simply: From behind, I heard the opening and closing of a door. Or. From …
expressions - meaning of "swing open /swing shut" - English …
2018年1月2日 · Swing open/shut does not involve a strong movement and a loud noise, unless it is specified, as in the case of slam the door shut: From McMillan Dictionary: Swing: 2 [Int/tr] to …
Which question tag is correct? "Shut the door, will you?" or "Shut …
I agree completely. For anyone looking for even more depth on this question, remember that "won't" is the contracted form of "will not." Rearranging the sentences highlights the contrast …
Can we say a door is slammed open? - English Language & Usage …
2021年12月18日 · To shut (a door, window, etc.) with violence and noise; to bang; to close with unnecessary force. Also with adverbs, as down, to, up. There are however idiomatic figurative …
grammar - Difference between "Shut the door will you please" and …
2016年6月8日 · Indirectly to whoever in the group has 'authority' or 'responsibility' as regards whether the door is to be shut or not. Depending on context it could be a question: "would the …
lyrics - The Doors On The Bus go open and shut? - English …
2015年3月12日 · It's "go open and shut" because it's a kids' song! You're supposed to mime the action of the doors opening and shutting, the wheels that turn (go round and round); the horn …
nouns - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年3月2日 · It means the flat part of the door between the inner and outer faces, opposite the hinge side (i.e. - the bit you can only see when the car door is open). In practice, such stickers …
"Go shut the door" or "Go and shut the door": AmE/BrE difference
2013年1月16日 · "Go shut the door" was fully recognisable to me (an Irish-English speaker) and didn't strike me as unusual or sounding particularly American, British, un-American or un …
Does shut your door sound ruder than close your door?
2016年10月18日 · The word "shut" might be considered slightly ruder than "close" because of the kinds of connotations you point to. But it is very weak. Both "close the door" and "shut the …