Why use "ex post facto" when "post facto" means the same thing?
2015年10月4日 · Being a Latin locution, it must be used as such, ex means from: Ex post facto: from or by subsequent action; subsequently; retrospectively; retroactively. Word Origin: from Latin ex (from); + post (afterwards) + factus (done), from facere to do; Ex post facto: (Etymonline): from Medieval Latin ex postfacto, "from what is done afterwards."
Using the words "post facto" [closed] - English Language & Usage …
"Post facto" is almost always part of "ex post facto". "Post hoc" is currently about as common in Ngrams, but more common in Google search results. In this case "after-the-fact" approval works well, too.
Prospective means future-looking, retrospective means past …
2023年5月21日 · To cover both the past-time and present-time cases, you could say that the grants are approved (or awarded) ex post facto. As Merriam-Webster explains, "approval for a project that's given ex post facto" means approval given …
Where did the phrase "Holy Toledo" come from?
The OP last visited EL&U in December 2015. And the question was closed retroactively for insufficient research in March 2016. So the mods changed the rules for closure, and a question that had satisfied the rules when it was asked got whacked ex …
Does the term "garbledy gook" have racist origins?
This question was asked in June 2012—before there was a "show research" requirement on this site. I think it is a mistake to impose ex post facto requirements on questions like this one, (which I believe has been open for the past nine years until today), and I think it should be reopened. –
'Eo ipso' vs 'Ipso facto' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
"Eo ipso", meaning "in itself", has a greater implication than "ipso facto". Eo ipso implies a state without external influence, as a noumenon. Ipso facto implies a state dependent on external influence, as a phenomenon. I'm using Kantian language here, because the concept of eo ipso is most obviously similar to the Kantian noumenon.
What's exactly the difference between "per se" and "ipso facto"?
2015年9月13日 · The term ipso facto implies a causality, one thing being named having another thing as a necessary consequence due to the first thing's existence. "The goods were found in his possession, ipso facto he was involved in some way." (Bad example but I cannot come up with a better one right now.) Lacking context, I would label this term "judicial ...
hyphenation - Use of hyphen with the prefix "post-" - English …
2016年11月8日 · Samples were collected one month post ingestion. This is a comparatively recent revival of the old Latin preposition post, which gave birth to the prefix post-. Oxford Dictionaries Online says this freestanding practice began in the 1960s. Me, I would not be surprised if that could be antedated — or by quixotic extension, dated ante the 1960s. :)
What is the origin of "ex"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2015年12月22日 · Origin of ex-ex-is a word-forming element, which in English simply means "former" in this case, or mainly "out of, from," but also "upwards, completely, deprive of, without. It most likely originated in Latin, where ex meant "out of, from within," and perhaps, in some cases also from Greek cognate ex, ek.
What is the difference between "fate" and "fait accompli"?
2018年5月15日 · I could just mention the lines, but it is unpublished and therefore, did not want to post it yet. I kept the question broad very intentionally so that I could see what comes to the mind of the people as the first sense of these words, but did not expect negative comments without an attempt of an answer, especially when I cannot respond to the ...